Dr. Neri Moss

Crowns and Onlays

Crowns and Onlays

Dr. Neri Moss Taking Photo.jpg

Crowns + onlays (porcelain or gold)

When your tooth is too damaged to be fixed with a filling or worn down to the point where the chewing surface requires reinforcement, Dr. Moss might recommend rebuilding your tooth to its natural form and function by placing a crown on onlay. This procedure will require two appointments. The first is to prepare the tooth and provide a temporary crown/onlay ~ from 90 minutes. The second appointment is to fit your permanent crown/onlay and cement or bond into place ~ from 45 minutes. Appointment length depends on the location in the mouth and how many teeth are being treated.

Price: From $1,850 - $2,100 (includes lab fees)

Ceramic Crowns Before

Ceramic Crowns Before

Ceramic Crowns After

Ceramic Crowns After